On April 22, FF Zappacosta, Captain Huber and Chief Signora from Prospect Park Fire Company (Station 8) conducted a Forcible Entry class at Flourtown Fire Company. The Prospect and Flourtown crews worked from 1900 till 2200 on conventional forcible entry techniques, for both inward and outward swinging doors and special heavy duty security doors. It was a great night of training and we thank Prospect Park for sharing their expertise with us.
Special thanks go out to Flourtown Captain Chris Manning for facilitating this great opportunity and nights training! Photos by Bob Wilmot, Jr.
is this the training that i going to do when im 16
Yes, it is.
what is dean seltzers cell phone number.
what is dean seltezers cell number.
do you know dean seltezer because he said i can work at flourtownfirecompany on thursday but thurday 5/9/13 can’t work so can you tell dean seltzer and my parents ask if they can watch to make sure im safe and tell seltzer to call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Alex, please refrain from posting personal information on our website, such as email addresses, telephone numbers, street addresses, etc. If you wish to speak with Dean please contact him outside of this forum, as this is not the place for it.
how much are the flourtownfirecompany tshirts with the flourtown 1910 ffco 2010
we well never forget those who served in the 9/11 and i will never forget
do you need somone to wip the firehydrents off because i’m good at it and do you need you r lans cut because i’m looking for a job.