Calling 9-1-1 From A Cell Phone?
The want to remind residents and visitors that anyone who calls 9-1-1 from a cellular phone in communities near the County border should immediately state “I’m calling from Montgomery County” when the call-taker answers the phone.
If the nearest cell tower to where the call is placed is across the border in a neighboring county, the call will be routed to the 9-1-1 centers in Philadelphia, Bucks, Berks, Chester or Delaware counties, depending on where the tower is located.
The neighboring 9-1-1 centers will transfer the call to Montgomery County, but the time it takes to figure the actual location out, transfer the call and then supply the information about the incident again could make a difference in saving someone’s life.
Stating “I’m calling from Montgomery County” at the outset will greatly reduce any delay in getting people the help they need.
Using a landline to call 9-1-1 will result in the call automatically being routed to the proper call center.