As part of the Firefighter II National Certification class, that members from Flourtown, Oreland, Barren Hill and Centre Square Fire companies have been attending over the past several weeks, one of the requirements is to attend the PECO training facility and work on extinguishing gas/propane fires. On Monday 6/22/15 they fulfilled this requirement.
Ambler Laundromat Fire, R.I.T Response
Squad 6 and its Rapid Intervention Team (R.I.T.) responded to a confirmed dryer fire at the Ambler Fabric Care Center Coin Laundry. The fire was rapidly knocked down by crews from Wissahickon Fire Company (Station 7), Fort Washington Fire Company (Station 88), and Centre Square Fire Company (Station 33), and traffic and crowd control was handled by fire police from Station 7 and Station 33. (Photos by Bob Wilmot, Jr.)